Woda perfumowana damska Hugo Boss The Scent For Her Absolute EDP W 50 ml (3614228719025)

Kod:  393556434

Woda perfumowana damska Hugo Boss The Scent For Her Absolute EDP W 50 ml (3614228719025)

Kod:  393556434

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Gwarancja. Zgodnie z Ustawą o prawach konsumenta rzeczy dostarczane w zapieczętowanym opakowaniu, których po jego otwarciu nie możesz zwrócić ze względu na ochronę zdrowia lub higienę. 


The Scent Absolute For Her eau de parfum by the German brand Boss Hugo Boss is a luxurious combination of woody oriental notes framed by the walls of a designer bottle and the laconic structure of an olfactory pyramid. The frantic melody of the fragrance awakens the secret corners of consciousness after the first application, making its owner move more confidently and purposefully towards the set peaks. The exquisite perfume will be a perfect complement to any woman's look, where there is a place for charm, harmony and manifestation of ambition with the help of weightless accessories.

Opening note. Leaving the walls of the designer bottle, the eau de parfum bursts into reality with frantic echoes of sweet and dizzying honey and juicy peach. The sunny duo plays with the mind for a long time, inspires and motivates.

A note of the heart. Picking up the melody of sincerity, fun and relaxed summer leisure, the translucent outlines of bitter coffee features appear on the horizon. The cheerful solo makes you not stop there, move forward and win!

The final note. The endless vanilla trail, decorated with incredible patterns of restrained vetiver, gradually brings the soul down to earth, but leaves it with warm, lasting memories of the "absolute aroma". . .


  • Nuta głowy: miód, brzoskwinia
    Nuta serca: kawa
    Nuta bazy: wanilia, wetyweria
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