Farba do włosów L’Oreal Professionnel Paris Inoa Color 7.3 60 g (3474630415942)

Kod:  396033576

Farba do włosów L’Oreal Professionnel Paris Inoa Color 7.3 60 g (3474630415942)

Kod:  396033576


L'Oreal Inoa is an ammonia-free dye capable of covering gray hair and taking care of the hair, making it shiny, supple and soft. Separately, it is worth noting the Oil Delivery System technology, which increases the effectiveness of the coloring agent without harming the curls.

Properties and advantages of Loreal Inoa dye
There is no ammonia in the composition, and the product itself is devoid of any odor;
the possibility of complete gray hair coloring with the most accurate hit in the color;
care components in the formula take care of the hair after the coloring procedure;
easy application even at home;
possibility to lighten and darken by 3 tones at once;
L'Oreal Professionnel palette - an impressive catalog of colors and shades for literally every look;
is not used for toning lightened curls;
Experts recommend buying Loreal Inoa paint, as it is a professional coloring without harming the hair.

Features and application
The paint is mixed with developer in a ratio of 1:1;
The consistency is applied to dry unwashed curls;
9% oxidizer is necessary for coloring gray hair, as well as changing the color by several shades;
3% and 6% oxidizer is needed for color renewal or touch-ups;
It is important to use Inoa's proprietary oxidizer, as it has been specially formulated to work with the dye.

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