Farba do włosów L’Oreal Professionnel Paris Majirel 3 50 ml (3474634003237)

Dodaj opinię Kod:  396034926

Farba do włosów L’Oreal Professionnel Paris Majirel 3 50 ml (3474634003237)

Dodaj opinię Kod:  396034926




3 Dark brown
Attention: This paint is intended only for use by professionals who have been trained to work with paint.
Tube 50 ml
The cream recipe contains:
Substantive polymer Ionen G
The structuring effect of Ionen G maintains the balance of the colored hair, which is expressed in better color uniformity
Greater color stability
The inclusion of a new multidimensional molecule in the composition of the color doubles the color fastness, perfectly covers gray hair, gives brightness and purity of shades.
WARNING. Hair color can cause an allergic reaction (itching, redness), in some cases it can lead to serious allergic reactions.
Do not use the color if:
You have already had an allergic reaction to a hair coloring product.
You have a sensitive, irritated or damaged scalp.
Allergy test:
Be sure to have an allergy test 48 hours before each coloring, even if you have had hair color before.
Take off your earrings. Apply a small amount of color mixed with an oxidizing agent to a 1 cm area of skin behind the ear. Repeat 2-3 times, allowing to dry between applications. Do not wash off or touch for 48 hours. If you notice any redness and/or itching during this time, you should not use this color.


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