Specyfikacja Serum oczyszczający do twarzy Slosophy 150 ml (8809686385416)

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Sposób użycia
  • 1. Initial Cleaning: Moisten your face with lukewarm water. Apply a small amount of THE SERUM Cleanser to your hands and gently rub to create a soft lather.
    2. Application: Massage the foam into your face and neck in upward circular motions for approximately one minute.
    3. Rinse: Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water until all product has been completely removed.
    4. Drying: Gently dry your face with a clean towel, pressing lightly.
    5. Completion: Continue with your skincare routine, applying serums, creams, and treatments as needed.
Kraj rejestracji marki
  • Republika Korei (Korea Południowa)