Zestaw gier Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Color Reveal Asst (194735084289)

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Kod:  405890520

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Zestaw gier Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Color Reveal Asst (194735084289)

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Kod:  405890520

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Mattel - Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Color Reveal Asst is a set of one 1:64 scale Hot Wheels Monster Truck with colour changing effect. The set includes the truck as well as a removable water tank that can be used to change the colour of the truck.

The truck is coated with a special paint that reacts to water. When the truck is immersed in water, the paint changes colour, revealing a new pattern. The colour of the truck can be changed an unlimited number of times.

The Mattel - Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Color Reveal Asst set is a great gift for kids who love Hot Wheels trucks. With this set, kids can discover new trucks and play fun games with them.

Here are some ideas for playing with the kit:
- Competition: kids can have a race between the trucks or have a truck battle.
- Construction: kids can build a track for the trucks or use them to create other games.
- Collecting: Kids can collect all the truck models in the set.

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