Efekt gitarowy TC Electronic Eyemaster Metal Distortion (34000144)

Kod:  450363206
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Efekt gitarowy TC Electronic Eyemaster Metal Distortion (34000144)

Kod:  450363206

Gwarancja. 24 miesiące 


The EYEMASTER METAL DISTORTION brings back the original metal credo of ‘loud and brutal’ with its ‘easier than you’ 2-button operation. Simply set the volume (all the way up, right?), adjust the gain (anything less than ‘full gain’ is sacrilege) and start riffing. The EYEMASTER was specially designed to capture the tone of Swedish death metal, affectionately nicknamed the ‘Swedish chainsaw’. As the term suggests, EYEMASTER is not a sophisticated overdrive.

It is not transparent and does not ‘sit well in the mix’. Rather, it paves an unholy path right through the mix.

The whole benefit
The concept of gain is something we often take for granted and rarely think about what the term actually means. In many ways, amplification has gotten a bad rap; humanity has been tricked into believing such outright nonsense as ‘less is more’ and that other second-rate terms like ‘transparent’ or ‘authentic’ are better. EYEMASTER brings back the elemental, primordial benefit - the brute force that makes or breaks empires!

The perfect equaliser
Stop wasting time with equalisers. We've already set up the perfect death metal EQ and cut off the knobs. Simply turn the remaining knobs all the way in and unleash your inner beast with an authentic death metal sound that recalls ancient pagan rituals performed deep in the Scandinavian forests. Dark and menacing tones, dripping with acid and sharpness.

Forged from impure metal
With its sturdy and robust metal body, EYEMASTER will stand up to an army of black metal players and keep asking for more. Extremely simple controls with two knobs and top-mounted connectors allow for easy installation on a pedalboard, and a true bypass keeps your signal clean and pure.

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