Krem do twarzy Eucerin Dermopure Oil Control Adjuvant Moisturizing Care 50 ml (4005800181207)

Dodaj opinię Kod:  394747629

Krem do twarzy Eucerin Dermopure Oil Control Adjuvant Moisturizing Care 50 ml (4005800181207)

Dodaj opinię Kod:  394747629




The Eucerin DermoPure Oil Control Adjuvant Moisturizing Care is a lightweight, non-greasy moisturizer that helps to control oil production and improve the appearance of acne-prone skin. It is formulated with a blend of ingredients, including niacinamide, glycerin, and tapioca starch. Niacinamide is a vitamin B3 derivative that helps to reduce sebum production and improve the skin's barrier function. Glycerin is a humectant that helps to hydrate the skin without clogging pores. Tapioca starch is an absorbent ingredient that helps to mattify the skin and control oil production.

The Eucerin DermoPure Oil Control Adjuvant Moisturizing Care is suitable for all skin types, including oily and acne-prone skin. It is applied to the face and neck after cleansing and can be used daily.

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