Olejek do włosów Rene Furterer Solaire Hair Oil 50Kpf 100 ml (3282770038453)

Dodaj opinię Kod:  410969481

Olejek do włosów Rene Furterer Solaire Hair Oil 50Kpf 100 ml (3282770038453)

Dodaj opinię Kod:  410969481




Rene Furterer Solaire Hair Oil 50Kpf is a sun protection product that contains SPF 50+. It is designed to protect hair from damage caused by the sun's rays, such as dryness, breakage and dullness. The product also contains argan seed extract, which nourishes and moisturizes hair, as well as jojoba extract, which helps protect hair from frizz. Rene Furterer Solaire Hair Oil 50Kpf 100ml can be used on wet or dry hair. Just apply it to your hair and scalp before going out in the sun. The product is free of parabens, silicones and mineral oils.
Here are some of the benefits of Rene Furterer Solaire Hair Oil 50Kpf:
- Protects hair from sunlight
- Nourishes and moisturizes hair
- Protects hair from frizz
- Free of parabens, silicones and mineral oils
If you are looking for a sun protection product that will effectively protect, nourish and moisturize your hair, then Rene Furterer Solaire Hair Oil 50Kpf is the perfect choice for you.

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