Żel pod prysznic Mustela Nourishing Cleansing Gel With Cold Cream 300 ml (3504105036089)

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Kod:  391573551

Żel pod prysznic Mustela Nourishing Cleansing Gel With Cold Cream 300 ml (3504105036089)

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Kod:  391573551



Gwarancja. Ustawa o ochronie praw konsumentów nie przewiduje zwrotu tego produktu odpowiedniej jakości. 


Mustela Nourishing Cleansing Gel With Cold Cream is a gentle and nourishing shower gel that is suitable for babies, children, and adults with sensitive skin. It is formulated with cold cream, which is a rich and emollient ingredient that helps to hydrate and protect the skin. The gel also contains shea butter, which is another nourishing ingredient that helps to soothe and protect the skin. The gel is free of soap, sulfates, and parabens, making it gentle on even the most sensitive skin. It is also hypoallergenic and dermatologically tested, so you can be sure that it is safe to use. The gel has a light, fresh scent that is not overpowering. It lathers up easily and rinses off cleanly, leaving the skin feeling soft and hydrated.


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