Farba kremowa z utleniaczem Wella Color Fresh Semi Permanent Color Ammonia Free 6.0 75 ml (8005610572284)

Dodaj opinię Kod:  391642878

Farba kremowa z utleniaczem Wella Color Fresh Semi Permanent Color Ammonia Free 6.0 75 ml (8005610572284)

Dodaj opinię Kod:  391642878



Gwarancja. Ustawa o ochronie praw konsumentów nie przewiduje zwrotu tego produktu odpowiedniej jakości. 


Wella Color Fresh is a semi-permanent hair color that is designed to give you a vibrant, long-lasting color without the use of ammonia. The dye is formulated with a blend of natural ingredients, including argan oil, avocado oil, and keratin. These ingredients help to protect the hair from damage during the dyeing process, while also leaving it feeling soft and smooth. The dye is easy to apply and comes with a developer cream and a color creme. To apply, simply mix the developer cream and the color creme together in a bowl. Then, apply the mixture to your hair, starting at the roots and working your way down to the ends. Leave the dye on for 20 minutes, then rinse it out thoroughly with water. Wella Color Fresh is a great option for anyone who wants to achieve a vibrant, long-lasting hair color without the damage that can be caused by permanent dyes. The dye is also a good option for people with sensitive skin, as it is free of ammonia and other harsh chemicals.


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