Model do składania Italeri Teutonic Knights XIII skala 1:72 (8001283860192)

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Kod:  412744506

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Model do składania Italeri Teutonic Knights XIII skala 1:72 (8001283860192)

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Kod:  412744506




Model do składania Italeri Teutonic Knights XIII 1:72 is a meticulously detailed reproduction of the medieval Teutonic Order's warriors. This kit is a tribute to the historical significance of these knights, known for their valor and role in the Crusades. With precise molding and authentic design, this model offers an immersive experience, allowing hobbyists to recreate the essence of this revered historical era.

Crafted with precision, the Italeri Teutonic Knights XIII model presents an array of customizable options. From armor variations to weapon choices, this kit allows enthusiasts to personalize each knight, bringing uniqueness to every creation. The intricate details, such as shield insignias and facial expressions, add depth and realism, enhancing the overall appeal of the finished models.

Ideal for both seasoned modelers and beginners, this kit provides an engaging assembly process. Clear instructions accompanied by accurately fitted pieces make for an enjoyable building experience. The 1:72 scale strikes a balance between manageable size and intricate detail, making it an excellent addition to dioramas or standalone displays, showcasing the grandeur and historical significance of the Teutonic Knights in captivating detail.


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  • 17
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